Need some help organizing your bathroom? ;-)
Ours was in need of some revamping. Okay, so I'm pretty organized, but hubby's side seems to
be in disarray every few months. He's very neat, clean and organized too, but...
well, sometimes he just gets... busy. ;-)
*Unless noted, containers/bins are from The Container Store. :)
His side:
On top of his sink, *Before*...
And *After*...
His side: drawers and top of counter, *Before*...
And *After*...
(I put my toothbrush in here too. Made more sense to me...)
Second drawer, "Before"...
I moved the first aid supplies (from my side of the cabinet) to the bottom drawer,
and I moved the trimmer (which is missing from above photo
because it was in use) and dog stuff to the other bathroom.
And *After*...
Under his sink:
(This shot of the "before" pretty much stayed the same, so I don't have an "after" shot.
I just moved the extra "feminine stuff" to the linen closet instead...)
And my side:
On top of sink *After*...
(didn't take a before shot because the only thing I did was remove the blow dryer... LOL. :-p )
And my jewelry essentials (plus tweezers/nail clippers):
(When it comes to earrings, I usually wear one of three pairs,
so I just keep those in little Amac boxes on the left.)
My main drawer, *Before*....
And *After*...
(These baskets, from Ikea, were actually holding first aid supplies at first,
but I much prefer them in *my* drawer. So pretty. :-) )
Believe it or not, those are ALL the things I use on a daily basis:
my lotions, perfumes, make-up, etc.
I used to have LOTS more,
but I just tossed everything I wasn't using.
Love keeping it simple. :-D
Back basket has eye cream, baby shampoo [to remove eye makeup], and blemish cream.
Right basket has 2 perfumes, deodorant,
sunscreen, and two facial moisturizers.
Front basket holds my makeup bag [Vera Bradley],
and I only own *one of each* of the essentials:
foundation, concealer, loose powder (translucent),
blush, mascara, eye lash curler, concealer brush,
blush brush, foundation brush,
eye shadow, chapstick, lip color/gloss.
I *may* have an eye pencil, but I don't remember... LOL.
LOVE that I only have one bag of makeup, so I can just "grab and go" if I need to.
99% of the time, I just wear concealer (under eyes only), blush and lip gloss/chapstick. :-p
My bottom drawer, *After*...
(Forgot the before shot, but it was all the first aid supplies.)
I'm addicted to Halls Breezers
, so I always have a stash. LOL. ;-)
Under my sink (this didn't need organizing...)
Hair barrettes, bobby pins, elastics are in left basket.
Nail polish, nail polish remover and files are in right basket.
Jewelry (other than daily essentials) are in the drawers (from Ikea).
In top jewelry drawer:
Bottom jewelry drawer:
With top jewelry tray removed:
That's about it!
Medications and other first aid supplies are kept in the linen closet
(which is also in our bathroom).
I'll be posting that soon! :-)
Hope this gave you some good organizational ideas!
Do you struggle with your bathroom organization,
or do you feel like you have a handle on it?
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