I was going through my scrapbook (read: love notes and memorabilia in a magnetic album) from 2000-2003 yesterday. I wasn't a scrapbooker back then. Well, not like I am now. I collected stuff and memories and stories and photos, but I didn't use any pretty papers or punches. ;-)
I kept every single love note hubby gave me while we were dating. (He kept all the ones I gave him too, so they're in that album as well.) I found this one, and I had to share:
November 22, 2000 (we had been dating for less than three weeks)
I just stopped by to say hello. My dad and I spent the morning at the tubs [natural hot springs in Pagosa Springs, Colorado]/hanging out, and we wanted to know if you and your sister wanted to play Monopoly some time tonight. Are you still going to the play try-outs?
Anyhow, I actually broke into your house to leave this message. So, I'll be going now...
I do miss your smiling face!
Read other side too...
By the way, while I was here, I used your restroom. That's all, though.
No. Wait. I petted your animals too... and tried on some of your clothes, and drank some water, and ate some candy, and baked a cake, and read your journal, and peed in your bed, and rubbed Kama Sutra oil all over my body... then licked it off, and I also stole all your nude baby photos...
I should go. :)
And that's all. LOL. I still think he's hilarious. We just *get* each other, you know?! We're very silly. :-p
I feel the need to explain the "nude baby photos" part (and the Kama Sutra oil, for that matter). LOL. You see, my dad was a professional photographer. And you ladies and gents know this! When you are a professional photographer, and you have a cute baby, you lay her on a rug in all her bare, baby bottom glory! You know... for your portfolio. :-)
So this photo just happened to be hanging in my house... 11x14 or 16x20 size! And I think while we were dating (and you know, me being 19 at the time), hubby found this weird. LOL.
Okay, now I feel the need to share the photo... LOL. (Sorry for the poor quality. Can't find my scanner cable, so I took a photo of a photo.)

It's still Jeremy's favorite photo of me... as a baby. (Or maybe... of all time?!) ;-)
And as for the Kama Sutra oil thing. That was a TOTAL inside joke. Neither of us actually *owned* any, but we knew someone (two people...) who received it as a gift, and we have this VERY funny story about it, but I'm not sure I can share that here. LOL. Like I said, we are very silly. :-p
Anywho, I love re-reading old love notes from Jeremy. I wanted to do a layout of older stuff, so that's how I came to open this album. Maybe I need to make a mini-album of all his love notes. :-)
And of course, I should share something scrappy. :-) FINALLY got something hung up in our room. Oh, decor. Mmmm... Makes our bedroom feel homey. :-)

That sconce was only $5 at a really awesome, vintage store in Belton, TX. The silk flowers are from Michaels' Clearance section. The frames were $4 for the set. I've had them for two years now, I think! LOL.
Hamby doily rub-ons, Jillibean Soup (and some random others) brown buttons, and American Crafts & Bazzill cardstock. Most all that stuff from Studio Calico's January kit. :-)
I chose papers that match with our quilt. I think they look so lovely! :-D

Jeremy said I should have put the largest doily on the blue paper, so that one could have gone in the middle. Yes, I would have liked to, but the doily actually stuck down where I didn't want it to, and there was no turning back! LOL. Ah well. :-)

Thanks for stopping by today! :-D
hahahaha...that love note is cracking me up! how funny!
and i love your new decor..it looks great!
omgosh- that is the funniest "love note" ever. Seriously, your hubs is hysterical.
love your home decor!
This post made me pee my pants laughing. Too much information? Sorry :) Your husband is just so funny!
Love your wall decor Reyanna - I'm inspired!
I love that silly note! For the record.... I have photos of myself as a baby in a similar pose, on a dark brown rug. And I didn't have a photographer parent.
I didn't do this to my own kids. heeee.
Haha I love the note. I have all the letters I wrote my husband when we were still friends. His mom threw mine away =( She didn't have any idea we'd end up together!
Funny note! Good idea with the frames! TFS!
LOVE the love note that is great!! I love that picture with the llama too!! To funny!!
Awesome love note ;o)
And what a sweet pic. You were so cute!!
Oh my gosh! Love all the sweet love note!
i'm following you
feel free to follow me back ! :)
xoxo lexie
Hello, I'm Jeri from McGregor, TX - I was surfing blogs and came across yours - wanted to let you know about the altered art workshops coming to Texas this April - check out www.shadyladiesalteredart.blogspot.com Thanks
I love men who write such notes... (I have one too!) And you should definitely do something with the ones you have! Have a nice weekend!
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