Friday, November 26, 2004

My Very Own Thanksgiving!

The morning after Thanksgiving, I always want to have pumpkin pie for breakfast. Today is no exception. However, I am much wiser this year than I have been in years past. I remember that sugary desserts and I do not go well together... especially in the morning. So I had two slices of toast instead. :)

Yesterday, I cooked for four hours. No, I didn't have family over. It was just Jeremy and me. But I liked it. I LOVE cooking, and yesterday was fun. I've never cooked that much food, and I've never made any of the stuff I made, and I've definitely never cooked for four hours without stopping. *laugh* But it was still fun. So... for the first time, I made:

an 11.5-pound turkey (which looks beautiful, if I do say so myself...)
yummy stuffing (that turned out fantabulous, if I do say so... tee hee)
pumpkin pie
mashed potatoes w/gravy (okay, I've made that before yesterday)
a loaf of bread

ALL.BY.MYSELF. I'm so cool.

*emmett* ~ who gives her mom most the credit since she used her mom's cookbook for the entire meal... except for the seasoning in the stuffing... that was my own concoction...

p.s. And now we have TONS of leftovers. But I'm bringing some to my family today. Tonight is the opening of my parents' new restaurant! And we will be surprising them... Yay. :)

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