Friday, November 18, 2011

Growing Up: Hattie at Three Months

So... while the little bean is taking the longest nap EVER, I thought I'd blog about her.

Oh... there she is... I hear her... awake. Better go get her... LOL! (She must have known I was typing about her... ;-) )

Okay, I'm back. Little Miss is awake and all smiles. :-)

And without further ado, Miss Hattie at three months (yes, I'm well aware that "three months old" was 12 days ago... *sigh* )

*Note: I upgraded to OS X Lion, so now PhotoShop doesn't work. :-( I'll have Jeremy edit these photos (that *I* took with the *good* camera! go me!) as soon as we update PhotoShop for Lion. :-) These are iPhoto effects, for now. ;-)

(how much do you love that drool dripping off her chin? heeeeee!)

At three months...

She's 24.75 inches long. (97th percentile) (umm... and today, she was nearly 25.25 inches. WOW!)

She's 11 pounds 6 ounces. (11'6" on 11/6... cool!) (20th percentile)

Is still a tummy-time champ, and loves to be on her tummy for up to an hour now. She now plays with her toys while she's on her tummy, and i love when she talks to her Puppy Tunes (the one with black&white ears). He's her favorite. ;-)

Finally likes being in the Moby for about an hour! WOO! I keep her facing out now, since her head is strong enough to not be bobbing along. ;-) She loves this. :-)

Most of her 0-3 month stuff still fits, but probably not too much longer. :-( She's in 3-6 month long-sleeve stuff and is wearing 6-9 month pants. She's almost out of her 3-6 month footie pajamas though. *sigh* And her Skinniness can still wear Newborn-sized dresses. LOL.

Loves being in her bouncer, watching me cook. I LOVE when I hear her talking to her toys. :-)

On October 10th, she belly-laughed in her sleep. It was adorable. I totally thought she was crying, but no... she was laughing. LOL.

SUCH a great sleeper. At the beginning of her 3rd month, she was sleeping 7 hours straight (consistently) between feedings, and sleeping 5 more hours after that. Now, she's at 8-10 hours between feedings. Still sleeping 12-14 hours total. I need to start waking her up... only letting her sleep 12 hours. LOL. :-p

Still takes about 3-4 naps a day when our schedule allows. If we have a busy day (out and about), she'll only take one or two naps... She usually ends the day like that by being Miss Cranky-Pants. :-)

On October 17th, she grabbed her Chimpy toy (Jeremy named it... LOL) and brought it to her mouth. This was the first time she put a toy in her mouth. :-)

Finally enjoys being in the stroller! Yay. :-) Well, I finally figured out that she much prefers it if I put a blanket underneath her. Who knew? LOL. :-p

LOVES the bath and shower. In the bath, she kicks her legs like crazy. Always smiles and giggles. She loves the water. :-)

On October 28th, she could sit in the Bumbo! She likes to sit in it while I'm checking email or blogging. ;)

When she wants to be picked up, she sticks her right arm straight up in the air and waves it at me. It's SO cute!

She had two Halloween costumes: A Prize Watermelon (Jeremy and I were farmers...) and a Workout Baby. I had to come up with the 2nd one on Halloween night because it was much too hot for the Watermelon costume. LOL. I'll post photos and a video... one day. ;-)

Can finally stay awake longer than two hours. YAY!

Her basic schedule:
9:00 am - wake up and eats, then plays
11:00 am - snack ;-)
11:30 am - morning nap
12:30-1:00 pm - wakes up and eats lunch, then a walk
2:30 pm - afternoon nap
3:30 pm - wakes up, eats snack, plays
5:30 pm - eats another snack, then late day nap
6:30 pm - wakes up, hangs out with Daddy, eats dinner
8:00 pm - eats
8:30 pm - bedtime
4:30-5:30 am - late night snack ;-)

This little girl is amazing. We're so blessed. :-)

-November 6, 2011-


Paige Taylor Evans said...

She's the perfect little baby :)

lisa truesdell said...

she is too cute. =)

Zorina said...

Aww, happy 3 months Baby H! and happy 1st Thanksgiving, too.

J Thax said...

She is so sweet! Thanks for the updates!

justem said...

What! How is she 3 months old! No!! Time goes too fast! She is such a cutie and I love hearing about her!!