Taking my husband to the grocery store with me is like taking a 5 year old. I suppose that's why I enjoy bringing him along. We don't have a 5 year old so when I get to spend that hour shopping with him, I feel like I do. :) Awww... that's nice.
The foods he contributed to the shopping cart while I wasn't looking:
1. LiveSaver FruitSplosion candies (which he quickly dove into as I put away the groceries)
2. Fritos Honey BBQ Flavor-Twists
3. Sun-Maid Yogurt Raisins
4. English Toffee Cookies
5. Cheese and Peanut Butter Crackers
6. A pound of honey ham (only strange because *I* don't eat ham... he expects to finish off a pound of deli ham in a week?! Wow. Just wow.)
And if you're wondering... no, I don't let him go shopping on his own. That would be quite dangerous!
Funny thing is that I'm so busy putting fruits, veggies and other healthy things in our cart, to even notice him doing these things! So cute. :)
So what did your 5 year old/husband put in the cart while you weren't looking?!