Is still a tummy-time champ, and loves to be on her tummy for up to an hour now. She now plays with her toys while she's on her tummy, and i love when she talks to her Puppy Tunes (the one with black&white ears). He's her favorite. ;-)
Finally likes being in the Moby for about an hour! WOO! I keep her facing out now, since her head is strong enough to not be bobbing along. ;-) She loves this. :-)
Most of her 0-3 month stuff still fits, but probably not too much longer. :-( She's in 3-6 month long-sleeve stuff and is wearing 6-9 month pants. She's almost out of her 3-6 month footie pajamas though. *sigh* And her Skinniness can still wear Newborn-sized dresses. LOL.
Loves being in her bouncer, watching me cook. I LOVE when I hear her talking to her toys. :-)
On October 10th, she belly-laughed in her sleep. It was adorable. I totally thought she was crying, but no... she was laughing. LOL.
SUCH a great sleeper. At the beginning of her 3rd month, she was sleeping 7 hours straight (consistently) between feedings, and sleeping 5 more hours after that. Now, she's at 8-10 hours between feedings. Still sleeping 12-14 hours total. I need to start waking her up... only letting her sleep 12 hours. LOL. :-p
Still takes about 3-4 naps a day when our schedule allows. If we have a busy day (out and about), she'll only take one or two naps... She usually ends the day like that by being Miss Cranky-Pants. :-)
On October 17th, she grabbed her Chimpy toy (Jeremy named it... LOL) and brought it to her mouth. This was the first time she put a toy in her mouth. :-)
Finally enjoys being in the stroller! Yay. :-) Well, I finally figured out that she much prefers it if I put a blanket underneath her. Who knew? LOL. :-p
LOVES the bath and shower. In the bath, she kicks her legs like crazy. Always smiles and giggles. She loves the water. :-)
On October 28th, she could sit in the Bumbo! She likes to sit in it while I'm checking email or blogging. ;)
When she wants to be picked up, she sticks her right arm straight up in the air and waves it at me. It's SO cute!
She had two Halloween costumes: A Prize Watermelon (Jeremy and I were farmers...) and a Workout Baby. I had to come up with the 2nd one on Halloween night because it was much too hot for the Watermelon costume. LOL. I'll post photos and a video... one day. ;-)
Can finally stay awake longer than two hours. YAY!
Her basic schedule:
9:00 am - wake up and eats, then plays
11:00 am - snack ;-)
11:30 am - morning nap
12:30-1:00 pm - wakes up and eats lunch, then a walk
2:30 pm - afternoon nap
3:30 pm - wakes up, eats snack, plays
5:30 pm - eats another snack, then late day nap
6:30 pm - wakes up, hangs out with Daddy, eats dinner
8:00 pm - eats
8:30 pm - bedtime
4:30-5:30 am - late night snack ;-)
This little girl is amazing. We're so blessed. :-)
-November 6, 2011-