Happy Blog-iversary to me!!
Eight years ago today, I started my blog at
Diaryland. (It was called "Trail-Mix... a little bit of everything." Tee hee.) I have since moved all my entries to Blogger (though, I have still to transfer 2006... *sigh* Ah well... I'll get around to it).
Very exciting.
So I thought I'd do a giveaway*! Yay! :-)
First, I have some
Autumn Leaves stamps by
Katie Pertiet. She was kind enough to send some, so I thought I'd give a bunch away! :-D (These *are* taken out of the hard plastic because they would not photograph, and they would be too bulky to ship in original packaging. Brand new though!)

And then here is a bunch of scrappy stuff from past
Studio Calico kits. One of the coolest things?! These vintage, mini Kentucky postcards! They're from the Simon Says add-on in May 2009, and they are SO cute! There are also a bunch of *exclusive* Studio Calico kit papers! WOO!
(Other stuff is Cosmo Cricket, Paislee Press, Jenni Bowlin, Crate Paper, My Mind's Eye, and Collage Press.) I'll actually throw in a whole bunch more scrappy stuff! Rub-ons, Maya Road pins, rhinestones, pearls, etc. And most likely, some Dear Lizzy Thickers... :-D

And of course... I could *not* do a giveaway without giving away stuff from
The Container Store, right?! Of course NOT! Here are a few things I love for organizing scrappy items. Lock-ups hold buttons, ribbon, pins, etc. Amac boxes (in several sizes) can hold smaller odds and ends or... your kids' lost teeth! ;-) (Hey, I had a customer who bought the teeny ones for that very reason!) And those cute, lime-green bins? There are three! How cute! :-)
All this was given to me by The Container Store for their
National We Love Our Employees Day. I'm spreading the love because I already own most this. :-)

Ooh, we're getting to some of my favorites! Micro-fiber cloths are awesome for cleaning your computer screen, photos, etc. The wash bag can hold delicates and hand-wash clothes in the machine. LOVE this! (Oooh, maybe I'll throw in the
Bra Bag too!! Would you like that too? I LOVE mine!) And that awesome bag-gripper also is an ID tag. :-)

Three of my VERY favorite products are next! The book light (super fab!). The BRAND NEW Cord Catch by Good Grips. This is AWESOME to keep by your computer to hold your camera cord, cell phone cord, etc. LOVE this. :-) And the iSlice... you can use it to open up mail, Thickers packaging (tee hee), cut coupons, even cut scrapbooking paper! AND it doesn't cut your finger, so you don't have to worry about it getting into little hands! :-)

And my "sponsor." Tee hee.
Sleep Pretty in Pink! Remember
my layout about my earplugs?! Well, the company's president/CEO saw it, and he decided to send me a WHOLE bunch of earplugs to share with you guys! (Thanks, Doug!!) YAY! I'll have enough for future giveaways too! LOL. Seriously, BEST.EARPLUGS.EVER! There's a nice sleep mask too!

Last, but certainly not least... everyone loves The Container Store, yes?! Well, here's a $30 gift card for you! Even if you don't live near one, they do ship, so you can still use it! :-D You'll be organized and happy in no time! ;-)

Thank you SO much for reading! I can't believe it's been eight years that I've been recording my life online. Craziness. LOL. It's been SO much fun!
Please leave a comment to be entered to win the giveaway! ONE lucky person will receive everything! :-D
You have until the end of the day on Thursday, March 11th, and I'll choose a winner on Friday, March 12th! :-)
*Sorry giveaway is only open to people in the US. I do love you guys outside the US though! :-)