This cute, little boy was born in Texas:
... far away from each other, and never knowing that we were born on the same day and would some day meet. But not before we did a little bit more growing...
And then about ten years later, we both turned fifteen. Jeremy finally moved to Pagosa Springs, Colorado (where I had moved when I was 14.) And yeah, as soon as this cute boy moved into town, I was SMITTEN! LOL.
And me at 15...

We finally *met* some time later. I had found out we had the same birthday. And one day, I was at youth group (hanging out, doing my homework) before it started. And who walked in? JEREMY! He came in the room with a bag of SIX Mr. Cookie Face ice cream sandwiches (Typical Jeremy... LOL). He was alone. And the conversation went like this...
Reyanna (thinking): OH.MY.GOD. Jeremy Stark JUST walked in! OH.MY.GOD. He's RIGHT next to me. And he's ALONE. And we're ALONE! GAAAAAH!
Jeremy: Hey! Girl! Pssst! Girl!
Reyanna: Me?!
Jeremy: Yeah! Do you want a Mr. Cookie Face?
Reyanna: Yeah! I LOVE Mr. Cookie Face!
Jeremy: Me too! So... what's your name?
Reyanna: Uhh.... Reyanna. And you're Jeremy Stark! And you were born July 30, 1981!
Jeremy: Uhhh... yeah.
Reyanna: Oh! Sorry! I'm not a stalker or anything, it's just.... well, I saw your birthday on Tracey's calendar, and it's just... well, it's my birthday too!
Jeremy: Really?! Oh, neat!
He wasn't freaked out at all... promise. :-D He was just that strange. LOL. We were friends from then on. In math class, he would stick my pencils up his nose and lick my wrist when I asked him to smell my lotion or perfume. Yeah, *swoon*. ;-) I loved how silly and quirky he was!
He moved away at 17. Then I moved away at 17.5. Then he moved back at 18. Then I moved back at 18.5. LOL.
About August-ish (we were 19), we started hanging out again... A LOT. Then HE'S the one who had the crush, and I was over it. LOL. One day (November 2, 2000, to be exact), he left his laundry at my parent's house (I'm so naive... I thought he did that on accident! HA!) When he came over to get it...
Jeremy: I need to talk to you! In your room!
Reyanna: Uhh... okay. In my room? Weird.
We go in, and he closes the door behind us.
Reyanna: Uhh... no?! How much *do* you like me?
Jeremy: I'm totally STOKED on you! You're beautiful and fun and funny and cool, and I think... well, I just think we should be together!
Kid you not... this is what I said...
Reyanna: Weeeeelllll... I'm not really looking for a relationship right now...
Jeremy: Well, that's because you keep going for the wrong guys! First JD, and then John. I mean, JOHN?! Really?! Are you kidding?! That was a joke!
Reyanna: Well, how was I supposed to know that after ten days, he'd turn out to be a crazy stalker?! (seriously) And okay, this is exactly why I shouldn't be in a relationship! I pick the WRONG guys! LOL.
Jeremy: Well, that's because you haven't picked me!
We talked some more... a bunch of which I don't remember, and we both walked out of there very confused. LOL. Were we together... or not?! LOL. Well, we had our first kiss two days later (Jeremy's first kiss EVER).
Sure, we've had more ups and downs in 7.5 years than I care to even think about. I think we've had to go through more than most couples (who have been together longer) have to go through, but here we are! We're turning 29... together!
And Jeremy, just looking at you, I know you love me. I often say, "Stop looking at me like THAT!" And you say, "Well, I can't help it! You're so beautiful, and I'm SO in love with you!" And I just know. I can see it. And I love that. You're sweet and considerate and silly and fun and amazing and intelligent, and you work SO SO hard for our family!
I thought 28 would be our best year, but really... 29 will be. You know it too, don't you?! ;-)
Happy Birthday, Babe! I LOVE YOU! And I'm STOKED we get to share our birthday every year!