Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Six years ago today, I got an email from Karen at Glory Ridge. Rosey and Reilly had puppies. (Well, Rosey had the puppies. Reilly just helped out at the beginning... ;)

We had planned on getting ONE puppy. ONE Shih-Tzu puppy... that was red and white and to be named Ruby. That was our plan.

So after much oohing and awwing over the six pups, we chose puppy #3. And she was Ruby. Right then and there. She would have been Ruby Tuesday, but she wasn't born on a Tuesday... so Ruby Monday she became. :)

We got updated with weekly photos. And at two weeks of age, one of the puppies was unclaimed. Puppy #6. There was nothing *wrong* with Puppy #6. She was cute enough... as a 2-week-old puppy could be. And NONE of Karen's puppies go unclaimed. They ALL get adopted by nine weeks of age. But most of them are snatched up the day they're born.

Jeremy took this as a sign. He whined and whined. Arguing that *he* needed a puppy too... so we could *each* have a puppy to love and cuddle. It wouldn't be fair to Ruby to not have a sister, to not have a playmate.

We debated that if we paid for Puppy #6 in full (we were making payments for Ruby over a 2-month period), we would get quite a discount and could then afford two puppies. *sigh* We just fell in love with her. We had to adopt her too. I told Jeremy to choose a name that was also a jewel or gemstone. I thought of Golden, but he came up with Amber, and it was perfect. :)

They arrived on July 13th... I think. LOL. Pretty sure. Amber was so timid... like a little lamb. And we had Amber Lamb put on her papers. :) I call her Lamb just as much as I call her Amber. Or Amber Lamber... or Lammie. Or Jeremy calls her Lamberto (said with thick Spanish accent)... LOL. We call her Nubbers and Ammie Lammie and Amber Bamber.

And Ruby is Roobs. Or Ruby Booby. Booby. Boobs (yeah, I know... we're weird). Bubs. Bubbers. Boobahs.

They both get called Ninja. "Come on, Ninjas! Let's go outside!"

We had photos of them EVERY week for the first two months of their lives. Then when they came home to us, we took LOTS of photos (of course). *sigh* Unfortunately, all photos from the first year of their lives were lost in our move from California to Rhode Island. The hard-drive fried.

That "fall into love" photo up at the top?! I took the photo, and the breeder inserted the leaves and title. And that used to be on her homepage. That's the *only* photo I have of them as puppies. *sign* So cute. :)

They are the best dogs I've EVER had. They are so wonderful and sweet and fun and beautiful and loving. They're our babies.

So today... Amber Lamb and Ruby Monday are celebrating six years by just lounging about... tee hee...

Amber on our bed... (which I need to make)...

And Ruby on her panda car seat (I took out of the car temporarily)...

Happy Birthday, My Babies!


diana albright said...

reyanna, they are adorable! We name our "babies" all sorts of silly names and the nicknames are a-plenty too. I guess that means we're weird too, or maybe I would choose to say that noooo... you aren't weird!

Well, happy birthday to Amber and Ruby! And many moooooooooore...

Houston said...

Oh they are cuties! Happy Birthday Ninja Pups!

Unknown said...

happy birthday Lamberto (said with thick Spanish accent)... and Booby!!!!!

oh and just fyi, I just said lamberto with a spanish accent and corey just looked at me and said what???????

vtpuggirl said...

Hi, you might want to check out my blog, just saying. :)

Bashful said...

These two really could turn me into a "dog person"! Such sweeties! (But with all those nick-names, don't they get confused? LOL. Yeah, yeah, yeah, my little felines have quite a few nick-names, too.)